Thursday, July 10, 2014

Time Travel

Imagine getting one chance. Someone walks up to you and tells you that they have a time machine that you can use but you can only use it once. Immediately ideas would race through your mind. Would you go see the Declaration of Independence signed, or maybe prevent something from happening that altered the course of your life. Many things come to my mind when I think of this. Things like going and watching the first Super Bowl or watching a pitcher throw a perfect game or what about the "kick 6" that happened just last year. All those are great but there is something I want ever more than to see those thing. I would go back in time and have my parents hold me back a grade. Technically I am the same age as most incoming seniors in high school but the rules were different were I grew up so I started early. This way I would have another year of high school sports. They were so much fun that I would do almost anything to get a repeat at them. Also, at that same time I would have some of my friends parents hold them back so we could all still be together. I do have friends that are a year younger so that would give me another year with them before I left. It sounds dumb and most people probably think it is crazy but my senior year in high school was one of the most memorable years I have had. I met one of my best friends and the sports teams were awesome. So, although, I am ready for college it is nice to look back on high school.

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