Monday, June 30, 2014

What I like to do...

During the summer time there are many hours to do things. That is one of the many reasons people enjoy summer. Some of the things I like to do to pass the time is...

Go swimming with my friends and family
Go to the movies to catch some of the latest releases.
Play sports
Every once and a while it is nice to rewind and relax. I like to do this by watching netflix and getting caught up on the TV series I enjoy. Also, I enjoy watching a late night movie whether its a rewatch or a new one.
It is always fun to catch a Springfield Cardinals game. You just have to make sure it is not to hot outside because then it can get uncomfortable.
The fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays so shooting fireworks or just watching firework shows is always fun.
Having taken piano lessons for 8 years I occasionally will learn a new song on the piano so i don't lose my talent.
Reading a good book is also a good way to pass the time.
All those things are fun and all by my favorite thing to do is anything spent with my friends and family. Even if we are just sitting on the back deck and talking it is a good time. With my friends we can always joke and have a good time. Most of the time we are just at each other houses playing video games and although it is nothing big it still is fun. Summer is my favorite time of the year. It sounds cliche but the whole day is spent just hanging out. This being my last summer before I start my quote unquote real life has to be a good one. So far is has been average but I guess that is a little my fault. These next 30 days should be pretty awesome.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Joyous Moment

In my life there have been many time were I have felt joy, actually countless amount of times. One of the times I think about a lot was during my junior year of Football. Freshmen year I was 5'4 playing football. Because of my size I was at a major disadvantage. Since I was so small I decided that my sophomore year I wasn't going to play football because I felt it would be pointless. However the summer between my sophomore and junior year I grew about 6 inches. I was nearly 6'1 starting my junior year. Thanks to this height I decided that I would join the football team again. With hard work and consistent effort I eventually moved up til I was starting week 1. Although my first game was a little shaky the coach continued to push me and give me opportunities to make plays. My third game of the season was awesome. We were at home and we were playing Waynesville. The play call was 402. With means it was a boot to the right and I was on a zig out pattern. After just a few steps I knew I had the corner beat. When I turned my head and look the ball was in the air towards me. I caught it took 2 steps and realized I was standing in the endzone. My first high school touchdown. It was an incredible experience and was an awesome time celebrating with my teammates. There are times in our lives when we feel joy. Sometimes we are so caught up in the moment that we don't realize it. Be smart and make sure you don't let that happen. Stop and smell the roses a couple times. It can't hurt. Just be careful and watch for the thorns they can be sharp.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Assignment 4.4- Know Your Audience

This discussion board was a way for strangers to get to know each other over the internet. Most of the time I wouldn't share personal information over the internet, but I feel like I can trust these individuals since nobody asked for my social security number! We found out a lot about each other by our responses but I feel we also learned a lot about each other by the questions we asked. The individuals of this class, although so different, are alike in many ways. No matter what our age or how much we enjoy our basic lives we all returned to a childish state of mind and wished we had a superpower or were a superhero. Many answered questions religiously. When asked "If you could spend one day with anyone, real or fictional, dead or alive, who would it be and why? What would you do?" many people responded with Jesus Christ. I found this to be very unique in a time where religion is slowly fading away that so many, including myself, have that desire. With such a wide range of questions from "What is your idea of a perfect day?" to "What is your best solution to relieve stress?" there were answers that ranged from one extreme to the other as well. However, I noticed something similar. It was the small and simple things that made us consider it a perfect day, or relieve stress. We didn't need luxurious or extravagant things to find happiness. Although I don't know anyone in this class on a personal level I feel that I know just a little bit about some people. How they think and act. What their free time entails or just what makes them happy. Our lives are so busy that rarely do we get to think about these questions and what our answers would be. This discussion was fun but also taught me things about myself as well as the people in this class. 


Growing up every kid wishes they have superheroes. Whether it is to be invisible, to be able to fly, or even shoot laser beams out of their eyes.  If I could have any superpower, with no limitations, I would want the power to be able to go back in time. Everyone has those instances where we wish we could change something that we said or did. In my case, there are many times were I wish I could go back and undo or change what I did. One of the first things I would do is go back in time and have my parents hold me back a year before starting kindergarten. I know this sounds crazy but it all makes sense to me. I am the age of a soon to be senior so it would be too crazy. Plus with another year of high school under my belt I would have been 6’4 my sophomore year so my skills in all sports would be developed. Another year for football and basketball would be a dream come true for me.  Also, a have some really good friends who are a grade below me so I would get another year to spend time with them as well. With this superpower I would never be stressed out or worry because if I did something wrong I could just go back and change it till I get the outcome I desire. I could never fail a test or say something dumb in front of a bunch of people. I’m not saying that being invisible or being able to fly wouldn’t be awesome because it would be. However, just imagine making your life played along to the script you desire. That idea sounds pretty great to me. Sometimes something so perfect can have its flaws, but even after saying that I’ll still take my chances.

Friday, June 27, 2014


My family has always been there for me and helped shape the person that I am today. My dad, who grew up on the East coast, played soccer, baseball, and ran track in high school. He also was a member of Cabinet, which is like student council. My mom, who grew up on the West coast, played many sports as well. She played soccer and volleyball. Growing up across the country they didn’t met until the both were attending Brigham Young University. Because they met I am now here and also my 4 siblings. I have an older brother name Brady. He ran cross country in high school and is now in Norway on a church mission, after attending Brigham Young University for a year. I also have 3 younger siblings. Carter is the next oldest. He too runs cross country and avidly plays computer games in his free time. Kennedy, who is the only girl, loves to act and put on small performances. The youngest in the family is Ryker. He plays soccer and basketball and loves to hang out with friends. My parents have played a major role in all of our lives. As you can tell sports is a huge part in most of our lives and that is all credit to my parents. I play football and basketball and during high school was part of cabinet. My parents example shaped how I lived and live my life. Sports have been and will continue to be a whole part of my life and the lives of my siblings. It is pretty crazy to think that people from across the country got the opportunity to meet each other and the outcome was pretty awesome. I am so grateful for my parents and their encouragement and everything they have done for me.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Journey of Life

Time is just a mist of moments, brushing past us swiftly, never to be the same again, only to be replaced by the next oncoming wave of individualistic self characterizing thoughts, events, and emotions. As I sit at this computer I can’t stand but look back upon my life and marvel at the time that has past. It seems like just yesterday I was entering the doors of high school as a small, terrified freshmen. Now I am about to embark on some of the most influential years of my life with a mission, and college. In just 35 days I leave to go on a church mission for 2 years to the country of Ecuador. 2 years is a lot of time to have minimal contact with family and friends. However, I know that I am doing the right thing and will help the people of Ecuador with the services that I bring.  Then some of the most influential and life-shaping years will follow.  I cannot believe that I am almost to the point in my life where I am about to start my own career and have a family. That just seems so crazy to me. At the same time I look forward to the future but also sometimes can’t help to look back at the past to recount some of my favorite memories and recall just how far I have made it. For college I have chosen to attend Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. My parents are both alma maters and I am excited to attend that school. The future holds so much that I don’t even know. As of right now I am undecided on what I want to do as my profession. With this is mind I hope that as I further my studies that I will find something that I love and take that up as my profession for the remainder of my life.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I believe Free Write

The crowd roars as the players crosses the goal line yet again. 45-14 Kickapoo leads against Nixa. This score was never expected and in fact Kickapoo was the underdog coming into the game. With such a weird turn of events the Kickapoo fans could not help but cheer "I believe that we will win." During each game whether at the beginning or end of the game the student section does the I believe chant. This will be something that I miss the most about leaving high school. It got the whole crowd pumped and it also pumped up the players which allowed them to play better. With this is mind the opposing team also does this chant sometimes. In reality it is like a competition between student sections and teams about which it better. Being an athlete there is no better feeling then hearing the crowd erupt after you make a play. Even better is when you help your team win the game. Although my high school days are over and I am constantly looking toward the future I cant help but look back and recount all the memories participating and cheering at sporting events. When I think back to high school I recall knocking off the number 3 team in the state in football my senior year, or losing on a buzzer beater against a nationally ranked basketball team. In all my memories I'm either on the field or in the stands. College is even a bigger stage. Instead of a hundred people yelling it is now 50,000-100,000 yelling fans, chanting, and getting into the game. What is has to feel like to be down on the field under the lights with thousands of people cheering you on. I can imagine it being one of the greatest feelings ever. Sporting events are some of the most interesting and lively events there are. Thousands of people every night gather at a ball park to watch people play sports. That amazes me when I think about that. Some of my greatest memories I have take place at a sporting event, and many of my future plans involve sporting events.

Word Count: 358

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I believe...

I believe in that sports are awesome.
I believe in family time.
I believe a little relaxation is good for everyone.
I believe that we will win.
I believe that friends are needed.
I believe that I have fantastic parents and siblings.
I believe that God is real.
I believe in love.
I believe that football is the best sport.
I believe that every summer should include trips to the lake that make memories.
I believe that I can excel in my school work.
I believe that money doesn't buy happiness and is only a temporary fix for problems.
I believe in second chances.
I believe that everyone makes mistakes.
I believe in Heaven.
I believe that Honey Bunches of Oats is the best cereal ever.
I believe that stress can be both a good and bad thing.
I believe sports are a way of life.
I believe no one ever should be bullied.
I believe that your true friends will always be by your side.
I believe that success takes hard work.
I believe in freedom.
I believe in loyalty.
I believe in forgiveness.
I believe that we all are different people and shouldn't criticize others.
I believe the Patriots are the best in the NFL.
I believe that Lebron James is better than Michael Jordan.
I believe that nothing ever comes free in life only through work.
I believe that you need to make the most of this life that we are given.

Word Count: 248

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jung Typology Test

Before taking this test I thought about the kind of writer I was, but I never could quite hit the nail on the head on how to describe my style of writing. With this lack of knowledge I was curious as to what this test would determine my  writing style and technique to be. However, I doubted that this test would provide true and accurate information. As I went down the list of qualities of ESFJ writing style in my mind I put a check-mark next to all the ones that applied to me. I was quite astonished at the amount that applied to me and my style of writing. Something I enjoy doing is telling stories in papers. Whether it is a story from my past or a story with historical significance, it doesn't matter. Each story has a lesson to be learned from  that can apply to us in our everyday lives. Another technique that was on the list was having an understanding of the time requirement that will be needed to accomplish the task ahead. That is always something that I take into account. I know that time that is needed and make sure I have set that time aside to finish the task at a high level. One of the most accurate representations of my writing style that was mentioned was if I get writers block a break is needed. When I just sit at a computer for too long I become frustrated with myself and my inability to write the paper. Instead of trying to continue to write most of the time I take a break and go out and socialize. I do this so my mind can take a break so that when I sit back down at the computer I will be re-energized and think of good ideas. Not everything on the list was spot on. Things such as "discusses topics before beginning to write." Most of the time I just sit down at the computer and begin writing. As I write I let the ideas come to me and then throughout the paper build and stem off those ideas to help the paper begin to take form. Also, it mentions that papers might be sappy or emotional. Totally wrong in my case. My papers very rarely have emotion that evoke stronger emotions enough to be considered sappy. At first I thought this was going to be another one of those strange and wrong internet quizzes that seem like a waste of time to me. However, I learned a lot about my writing style and my tendencies and the ways to improve my skills. By building on these skills that I have but also gaining more along the way I feel that this quiz has been beneficial in my college process. It taught my what I like to do, which also shows me some of my week spots allowing me to grow as a writer as become a well rounded writer.