Sunday, June 29, 2014

Joyous Moment

In my life there have been many time were I have felt joy, actually countless amount of times. One of the times I think about a lot was during my junior year of Football. Freshmen year I was 5'4 playing football. Because of my size I was at a major disadvantage. Since I was so small I decided that my sophomore year I wasn't going to play football because I felt it would be pointless. However the summer between my sophomore and junior year I grew about 6 inches. I was nearly 6'1 starting my junior year. Thanks to this height I decided that I would join the football team again. With hard work and consistent effort I eventually moved up til I was starting week 1. Although my first game was a little shaky the coach continued to push me and give me opportunities to make plays. My third game of the season was awesome. We were at home and we were playing Waynesville. The play call was 402. With means it was a boot to the right and I was on a zig out pattern. After just a few steps I knew I had the corner beat. When I turned my head and look the ball was in the air towards me. I caught it took 2 steps and realized I was standing in the endzone. My first high school touchdown. It was an incredible experience and was an awesome time celebrating with my teammates. There are times in our lives when we feel joy. Sometimes we are so caught up in the moment that we don't realize it. Be smart and make sure you don't let that happen. Stop and smell the roses a couple times. It can't hurt. Just be careful and watch for the thorns they can be sharp.

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